613 -
613 Mitzvah Corp - For a donation of just $6.13 (which goes to T.O. – see Tikun Olam) you can join the international Mitzvot club where you will receive special mailings regarding all things SATO
Abraham Joshua Heschel Honor Society - An honor society for USYers who commit to standards of Judaic study, prayer, and Gmilut Chassadim (community service)
Advisors - Adults who work with USY chapers and supervise chapter/regional events
B'kol Echad - Literally, in one voice. This is the song booklet USY uses for ruach sessions, blessings after meals, and Z’mirot
Birkat Hamazon - The prayer said after meals.
Benching - see Birkat Hamazon
Chofesh -
Chaverim -
Communication VP (Comm) -
CRUSY - That's us! CRUSY stands for Central Region USY.
Dugma -
Eboard - Eboard is CRUSY's Regional Executive Board, sometimes called REB. It consists of six members who are responsible for running CRUSY!
Fast Ruach -
Gesher -
Gmilut Chassadim -
Havdalah -
Has Been -
International Convention (IC) -
International Executive Board (IEB) - Just like our Eboard, but for all of USY.
International General Board (IGB) -
Israel Affairs VP (IA) - With the middle name "Alias"
Kabbalat Shabbat (Kab Shab) -
Kadima -
Kadimanik -
Kinnus -
Kima -
Ma'ariv -
Macher -
Membership and Kadima VP (Mem/Kad) -
Mincha -
Nativ -
Parsha Play -
Pass Down - An honor or tradition passed down from an older CRUSYite to a younger CRUSYite.
Pesukei D'Zimra -
USY Pilgrimage (Pilg) -
President -
Peace Circle -
Ruach -
Religion and Education VP (Rel/Ed) -
Regional Teen Engagement Director (RTED) -
Shaliach -
Sicha -
Social Action Tikkun Olam VP (SATO) -
Standards -
Tikun Olam -
Torah Trivia -
USY - United Synagogue Youth is the organization that CRUSY is a part of. We are just one of many regions under USY!
Wheels Classic -
Wheels East -
Wheels Pacific North West (PNW) -
www.USY.org -
Youth Protection Officer (YPO) -
Z'mirot -
613 Mitzvah Corp - For a donation of just $6.13 (which goes to T.O. – see Tikun Olam) you can join the international Mitzvot club where you will receive special mailings regarding all things SATO
Abraham Joshua Heschel Honor Society - An honor society for USYers who commit to standards of Judaic study, prayer, and Gmilut Chassadim (community service)
Advisors - Adults who work with USY chapers and supervise chapter/regional events
B'kol Echad - Literally, in one voice. This is the song booklet USY uses for ruach sessions, blessings after meals, and Z’mirot
Birkat Hamazon - The prayer said after meals.
Benching - see Birkat Hamazon
Chofesh -
Chaverim -
Communication VP (Comm) -
CRUSY - That's us! CRUSY stands for Central Region USY.
Dugma -
Eboard - Eboard is CRUSY's Regional Executive Board, sometimes called REB. It consists of six members who are responsible for running CRUSY!
Fast Ruach -
Gesher -
Gmilut Chassadim -
Havdalah -
Has Been -
International Convention (IC) -
International Executive Board (IEB) - Just like our Eboard, but for all of USY.
International General Board (IGB) -
Israel Affairs VP (IA) - With the middle name "Alias"
Kabbalat Shabbat (Kab Shab) -
Kadima -
Kadimanik -
Kinnus -
Kima -
Ma'ariv -
Macher -
Membership and Kadima VP (Mem/Kad) -
Mincha -
Nativ -
Parsha Play -
Pass Down - An honor or tradition passed down from an older CRUSYite to a younger CRUSYite.
Pesukei D'Zimra -
USY Pilgrimage (Pilg) -
President -
Peace Circle -
Ruach -
Religion and Education VP (Rel/Ed) -
Regional Teen Engagement Director (RTED) -
Shaliach -
Sicha -
Social Action Tikkun Olam VP (SATO) -
Standards -
Tikun Olam -
Torah Trivia -
USY - United Synagogue Youth is the organization that CRUSY is a part of. We are just one of many regions under USY!
Wheels Classic -
Wheels East -
Wheels Pacific North West (PNW) -
www.USY.org -
Youth Protection Officer (YPO) -
Z'mirot -